jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016


Shall I compare you to a blue ocean?
Your eyes touch me with cold hands
And the diamonds of your look slips through my bones
The decline of sea waves embrace my darkness
And your light come with the rising sun
Is in that moment when I realise you are not a ocean
You are a world hidden between my lips
You are the bitter winter smile
You are the most infinite loneliness
Trembling, my wings break in the sand

Comparative and contrastive structures

There are two photographs and they are dissimilar from each other. The first represents a style of music that is different from the second phtograph's style.  Classical music is more cultured than pop rock music. Both classical and pop rock music are interesting to me. However, I prefer pop rock music because is funier. In contrast, classical music is perfect for relaxing. On the one hand, classical music could be the right choice if you want to play in an orchestra. On the other hand, pop rock music is the right choice if you want to play in a band.

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Internet for refugees

Nowdays,  Internet has become an important thing in our lives. We can't imagine living without a conection to the rest of the world. Maybe this is because we have a home, water, food... the problem is that many people doesn't have this anymore. They're refugees.
It's curious because we call them "refugees" when Europe isn't helping them as much as we could help. Many countries aren't supporting this people so they have to live in campaments where there isn't enough food or healthy water. In this situation, we can't see any of the human rights.
So, is Internet necessary for refugees? Maybe yes, it would help them to keep in touch to their family. However, before being conected, refugees need to stay alive.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016


Resultado de imagen de guernica
Guernica represents the horror of a homeless people. I feel the emptiness of death. The darkness is embracing is embracing the painting and all that people are screaming. I'm scared of what I see. All that violence is terrorific. I feel sad because what it represents is unfair. The war itlsef is the worst thing humans can do.

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

A natural refuge for dolphins

Have you ever been in a dolphinarium? If the response is yes, maybe you have enjoyed watching dolphin shows. But have you stopped to think about the living conditions of these animals?

Resultado de imagen de animals are not an entertainment dolphins

Dolphins are mammals and one of the most intelligent animals in the world. In addition, they are very sociable so they live in pods. In the oceans, they normally travel long distances. 

To hunt them, dolphins are injured and they suffer anxiety attacks, among other things. In most cases, dolphins live in poor conditions because the spaces are very small.  many of the dolphins end up suffering depression because they're separated from their families and their hunting groups. In other cases, they're victims of aggression by other dolphins. Further, they lose skills such as hunting because they're feed by humans. 

For these and other reasons, many animal rights associations are calling for the release of these animals. The proposal is being accepted in many dolphinariums in the world.

For example, Ada Colau, mayor of Barcelona, has decided to close the dolphinarium Barcelona. The reasons are simple: the quality of life of animals is terrible. The place does not meet the minimum requirements.

Dolphins will interact with nature and won't be caged. After all, animals are not an entertainment

sábado, 1 de octubre de 2016


Spain is a country with many different festivals. All around the country there are various festivals with different styles of music: pop, electronic, rock ... I love indie rock and alternative music. I've always wanted to go to a music festival.
One of them is called BBK live and takes place in the north in summer. I think the summer is the best time for music festivals. Besides, the advantage of celebrating the festival in Bilbao is that in the north the weather is cooler than in the south. A perfect holiday would go to a festival and enjoy live music with your friends.